Hazard Mitigation Plan Town Hall Meeting - Februay 8th - 6 p.m.
Kensington Community Center
59 Arlington Avenue, Kensington, CA
The Kensington Police Protection and Community Services District (KPPCSD) is hosting a town hall meeting for all Kensington residents to outline the hazard mitigation programs the district presented to Contra Costa County during the county’s development of the hazard mitigation plan. Hazard mitigation plans impact every resident, and the plan is the first step in attempting to obtain grants to safeguard the community when it comes to natural disasters such as wildfires and earthquakes. The meeting will be held at the Community Center at 6pm on February 8. Questions about this meeting can be sent to David Aranda, Interim General Manager at daranda@kppcsd.org.
Item 13 Hazard Mitigation Plan_ASI.pdfContra Costa County HMP New Mitigation Action Form #1.pdfContra Costa County HMP New Mitigation Action Form #2.pdfContra Costa County HMP New Mitigation Action Form #3.pdfContra Costa County HMP New Mitigation Action Form #4.pdfContra Costa County HMP New Mitigation Action Form #5.pdf